Healing through Storytelling and Podcasting

Healing through Storytelling and Podcasting | Turning trauma into a true crime podcast

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Explore Healing through Storytelling and Podcasting, uncovering how sharing personal stories can transform trauma into powerful narratives that resonate with audiences.
Join us to explore how sharing personal trauma can lead to healing through storytelling and podcasting. Guest Lenore Rattray, a survivor of a violent crime, discusses her podcast Stand Up 8, where she retells her story of surviving a robbery, kidnapping, and assault. We delve into how healing through storytelling can transform both the storyteller and the audience, and examine strategies for nonfiction authors looking to tell difficult stories, particularly within the true crime genre.

Learn How to Build an Engaged Audience with a Podcast

Lenore Rattray, Storyteller and Podcast Host

Lenore Rattray is a storyteller, trauma survivor, and host of the podcast Stand Up 8, which offers a survivor’s perspective on a violent crime she endured in 1992. She uses her experience of living with PTSD to help others understand post-traumatic growth.
Her podcast is not just about survival; it’s a window into the long-term effects of trauma and how storytelling can be a powerful tool for healing.
"You give a piece of yourself whenever you speak or you write... especially if it's a vulnerable story."

Highlights from Healing through Storytelling and Podcasting

Actionable Steps

Here are three things you can do immediately after listening to the podcast episode to build momentum:
Reflect on Your Unique Story: Take 10-15 minutes to write down key experiences or defining moments in your life that could form the foundation of your nonfiction book. Focus on lessons you learned or insights you gained that could benefit your audience.
Free Write for 10 Minutes: Take a few minutes. Pick one story from your life. Write for 10 minutes, without thinking about grammar or word choice. 
Expand on Your Story: Take one sentence from the above story, and expand on that for 5 minutes. 

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