Recently, I interviewed author, writer, and blogger Marilyn Wilson about book blog tours. Read our interview below to learn more about what book blog tours are and why getting reviews of your book matters.
Q: Can You Tell Us Why Authors Need Book Reviews?
M: I always start by telling authors that the internet is like a spider web. If you only have one string on your web, you get very little attention. The more strings you have-the better. Every place your book gets mentioned (and every time you are mentioned as an author) increases your visibility. The search engines work better for you as a result. The more reviews you have, the more your book gets put in front of your audience. Book reviews pay off.
Q: Is There A List Of Places You Recommend Authors Get Reviews Of Their Book?
M: If you’re a published author and don’t have your book on Goodreads and your author page, you should do that. You can even get little blips on Twitter. You can also get reviews on Facebook and Instagram.
I encourage authors to think of podcast interviews as reviews too. Talking about your book is actually a book review. People are really into videos. Go on your Instagram TV and read a chapter of your book every day or a synopsis. Any place you can talk about your book is a book review in my mind. We need to think a little outside the box because people don’t like to sit down and write those old-fashioned reviews as much anymore.
Q: How Much Lead Time Do Authors Need Before Setting Up A Blog Tour?
M: It takes a couple of months lead time for a company to set up a book tour for you. Especially if you’re looking for a larger one. If you’re doing 10 to 15, it can come together a little more quickly. You have to remember that you have to mail the books to the bloggers. Then, they have to get it all up on their blog. So, it would help if you had a couple of months lead time. For example, when you know your book is coming out in October, August is a really good time to start approaching blog tour companies.
Q: Can Someone Set Up A Blog Tour On Their Own, Without A Company?
M: It takes a lot of work, but you can do it yourself. You don’t have as big a hammer to make sure people follow through, though. You have to find the people willing to do it and set up the dates. If you have the time, you can do this yourself. I find, at this point, I don’t have the time. I like the fact that someone else is reaching out to bloggers for me. I don’t have to worry about the list and the follow-up. With my first book, the company I used got me one of the top Amazon reviewers in England. And I thought, isn’t this great? Like, I was really getting outside my thing.
Q: How Do I Find The Good Book Tour Companies Or The Good Bloggers If I’m Doing It By Myself?
M: When you’re going to pay somebody, they always have previous tours listed. Go and see what they did. Click through the links. The links are all there, go to their websites, see what they offer. As far as book reviewers, it gets hard. If they’ve got a lot of followers, they’re going to charge you a lot. If they’ve got a thousand followers, their reach is not as big, and you might get it for free. So, start looking and reach out to them. You’re going to get a lot of no’s. You’re going to get a lot of crickets, but work your way through it.
Q: Is It Important To Find Bloggers Who Work With Books Specific To Your Genre?
M: You have to. That’s why I pay a company. I don’t have time to do that, but I know people who’ve done it very successfully. And, whether you do it yourself or somebody does it for you, one of the suggestions that I think is fabulous is to create a poster calendar on your website. Put the name of each blog in order with a click-through link to their site.
Q: How Do I Set Up A Book Blog Tour That Gives Me a Good Return On MyInvestment?
M: You allow enough time. You show up with a good product, and you talk to them about what you want. To have a successful blog tour, I think it’s really important to do the interviews and guest articles. Those are extras that bring in more people. Get a review anywhere when you have a new book.
Q: With Book Blog Tours, Do I Do It When I Launch Or Should I Do It Once A Year?
M: I think when you’re launching your first book, your area of focus is a launch campaign. I think blog tours come after that. When the excitement’s died down, but the book is still new. That’s a great place. Whether you do it each year or not, a blog tour is a great way to start getting those first reviews up.
Q: Could I Do A Book Blog Tour Once A Year?
M: If you can find new bloggers with an audience you have not reached, you can continue to do this. As long as you think your book is relevant. Look at some of these books like Eat, Pray Love, which have been around for a long time and are still on bestseller lists. As long as you are marketing your book then podcasts, book reviews, and blog tours are still relevant. If you feel your book will not receive that kind of reception anymore, it’s gotten dated. It’s not worth your money. Write a new one.
Thank You, Marilyn, for telling us everything we need to know as authors when considering a book blog tour.
-Keep Writing
Melody Ann
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