Boosting Author Visibility with PR

Boosting Author Visibility with PR | PR Tips and Strategies with Lilian Sue

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Learn how to boost your author visibility with expert PR tips from PR coach Lilian Sue in this episode of the Author Nation podcast.

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In this insightful episode of Author Nation, host Melody Ann chats with PR expert Lilian Sue about essential public relations strategies for nonfiction authors. This discussion provides a comprehensive guide on how authors can leverage PR to enhance their visibility and success.

You’ll Learn How You Can Boost Your Book’s Success

Today’s Guest, Lilian Sue, PR Coach for Successful Authors

Storytelling and building relationships are the cornerstones of Lilian’s business as a PR coach and publicist. She empowers authors to gain the confidence to push past their limiting beliefs of fear, anxiety and imposter syndrome to harness the power of PR to achieve their goals of becoming a global leading bestselling authors. 
Through her coaching, webinars, workshops, and campaigns, she de-mystifies the world of PR, giving her clients personalized support and clarity to develop strong PR mindsets, concrete goals and tailored strategies to help them get in front of the right audiences.
The book is kind of a secondary vehicle, but really it's your own story that's going to carry the book for you. The book’s not carrying you. – Lilian Sue

Highlights from Boosting Author Visibility with PR

Actionable Steps to DIY PR for authors

  1. Evaluate Your Mindset: Take time to reflect on any fears or anxieties you have about promoting your book. Identify the limiting beliefs that may hold you back, such as fear of rejection or imposter syndrome. Counteract these beliefs with positive affirmations and visualize successful outcomes.
  2. Define Your Book’s Positioning and Goals: Spend 5 minutes brainstorming how you want to position your book and what goals you want to achieve. Consider what aspects of your personal story as a writer you’re comfortable sharing and how they relate to your book’s message. Define specific goals beyond just “selling more books,” such as targeting online bookstores, organizing book signings, or taking part in events like festivals or conferences.
  3. Create a Blueprint for Action: Use the insights gained from evaluating your mindset and defining your book’s positioning and goals to create an actionable plan or roadmap. Identify the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be to promote your book. Determine the steps you need to take to bridge these gaps, whether it’s reaching out to media contacts, exploring different marketing channels, or engaging with your target audience online.
Join us in September for the new season of Author Nation, and in the meantime, stay connected through our YouTube channel, Facebook group, and the wealth of resources available on our website. Keep writing, creating, and sharing your stories with the world!

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